Rev. Darrin K. Johnson, Sr. is a native of Philadelphia, PA. He is the seventh child of the late Phyllis Johnson and Harbee Johnson. After graduating from the Benjamin Franklin School of Electronics, he enrolled at Virginia State University in Petersburg, VA where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Public Administration and minored in Social Work. He later enrolled in International Seminary in Florida via correspondence courses. In 1998, he earned a degree in Practical Theology. In 2000, Rev. Johnson earned his Masters of Divinity from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University. In fall 2008, Rev. Johnson received the Riley Diversity Fellows from Furman University Diversity Leaders Initiative. Rev. Johnson is currently pursuing his Doctor of Ministry in 21st Century Ministry at Clamp Divinity School at Anderson University.
Rev. Johnson was licensed and ordained by Mt. Olivet Baptist Church in Petersburg, Virginia on March 10, 1996 where he also served as an associate minister, Sunday school teacher, and worked with the evangelism ministry under his spiritual father Rev. Dr. Wesley K. McLaughlin. Rev. Johnson was the pastor of Central Baptist Church in Charleston, SC from 2002 to 2013, and he was the pastor of New Prospect Missionary Baptist Church in Williamston, SC from 2014-2021. Rev. Johnson served as Vice Chairmen Anderson County Human Relations Council. Liaison for School District Anderson County Schools. Substitute Teacher Anderson County Schools. Chairperson Martin Luther King Jr Prayer Breakfast Town of Williamston, SC.
Rev. Johnson has been an instructor for Morris College Extension in the following areas: Homiletics, New Testament and Old Testament, Christian Education.
Rev. Johnson’s civic affiliations include: Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Washington Lodge # 345, The Progressive Baptist Convention Home Missions Board, Progressive Baptist Publication Board; Baptist Education and Missionary Convention of SC; Anderson County Ministerial Alliance; Chair of the Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast for the Town of Williamston, North Charleston Police Dept. Officer Recruitment Committee, Board Member of the Hollings Cancer Center at Medical University of SC. He has also worked with the Home Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention Inc., and Envision Town of Williamston Revitalization Board. Rev. Johnson has had the distinct honor of preaching the Word at the Progressive National Baptist Convention on the stage with Dr. Charles G. Adams, and Dean John Kenney the President of the Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union.
He has received various awards and honors including the Pastoral Award for Counseling the Sick and Dying, Hampton Ministerial Award, Benedict College Significant Financial Support and Grateful Appreciation Award. He is also certified to teach for the State of SC Congress of Christian Education and the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education.
Rev. Johnson is above all a man who loves God and his family. He is married to the former Tonya A. Clark of Martinsville, Virginia and they are the proud parents of Darrin K. Johnson, Jr. affectionately known as “DJ.” Thank God for His grace.